Judged Awards at this year's FTC league and regional championships
San Diego Region FTC Teams,
Hope all is well with you all! We look forward to seeing everybody at this season's Championships. Thanks to you all the season will be a great source for inspiration and learning. Every participant has the chance to come out stronger and learn to appreciate the many aspects of teamwork and working towards exciting goals.
The judging crew are gearing up to meet you all during the league championship tournaments on February 9th and 16th, followed by the regional championship on March 16th. These tournaments will have judged awards and incorporate judging interviews. The schedule for the competitions for both the League and Regional Championships will be shared separately. Award descriptions can be found in the Competition Manual section 6 from pages 29 through 40 ( https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/manual ) . The Compass award will only be given out at the Regional. There is no Promote award for this season as it is no longer part of the FIRST award system.
Our Judges will be using the Judging Summary Sheet from FIRST ( https://www.firstinspires.org/sites/default/files/uploads/resource_library/ftc/judging-summary-sheet.pdf ). The rubric used in prior years will not be used. While the intention is to bring additional rigor to the judged awards, teams should also remember that FTC judged awards are subjective in nature and, per FTC rules, scored summary sheets and judging notes cannot be shared with the teams.
See you at the championships in the spirit of innovation and teamwork. You are the future innovators and leaders who can use the power of creative problem-solving.
Thank you and good luck in the championships this year!
Ulf Sundberg - SDFTC Head Judge Advisor
San Diego Region FTC Teams,
Hope all is well with you all! We look forward to seeing everybody at this season's Championships. Thanks to you all the season will be a great source for inspiration and learning. Every participant has the chance to come out stronger and learn to appreciate the many aspects of teamwork and working towards exciting goals.
The judging crew are gearing up to meet you all during the league championship tournaments on February 9th and 16th, followed by the regional championship on March 16th. These tournaments will have judged awards and incorporate judging interviews. The schedule for the competitions for both the League and Regional Championships will be shared separately. Award descriptions can be found in the Competition Manual section 6 from pages 29 through 40 ( https://ftc-resources.firstinspires.org/file/ftc/game/manual ) . The Compass award will only be given out at the Regional. There is no Promote award for this season as it is no longer part of the FIRST award system.
- Total time for each team is 15 minutes (5 minutes (max) presentation by team + 10 Minutes Interview / Q&A = 15 minutes)
- Time presentations to 5 minutes max to allow 10 minutes for a good interactive Q&A where a panel of 2-3 judges ask questions and teams engage by giving their answers.
- Teams are encouraged to be ready with a presentation that tells their story and highlights their accomplishments in each judged area.
- Judges will be prepared to facilitate the entire session for teams that have no presentation prepared.
- The teams should have the robot available during the interview
- Mentors (maximum 1 per interview) are welcome to be present at the judges' interviews but cannot take part in the interviews. No Video or Audio recording allowed during the judging interview.
- All teams will receive feedback from the judges. Teams are not required to request feedback.
- Feedback provided pertains to the first impression teams give to the judging panels during the morning interviews.
- The feedback will not incorporate any information or discussions from pit interviews or the judging deliberations.
- The feedback will be provided to the Lead Coach/Mentor after the event.
Our Judges will be using the Judging Summary Sheet from FIRST ( https://www.firstinspires.org/sites/default/files/uploads/resource_library/ftc/judging-summary-sheet.pdf ). The rubric used in prior years will not be used. While the intention is to bring additional rigor to the judged awards, teams should also remember that FTC judged awards are subjective in nature and, per FTC rules, scored summary sheets and judging notes cannot be shared with the teams.
See you at the championships in the spirit of innovation and teamwork. You are the future innovators and leaders who can use the power of creative problem-solving.
Thank you and good luck in the championships this year!
Ulf Sundberg - SDFTC Head Judge Advisor