TEAMS Advancing to the San Diego 2022/23 Regional Championship
1622 Team Spyder
3650 Torrey Techies 4216 Rise of Hephaestus 4262 Ridgebots 5015 Buffalo Wings 5131 Pointers 6016 Ironwolves 7159 Robo Ravens 8097 Botcats 8380 UC Robotics 9164 Zorrobots 10092 Green.Griffins; |
10793 Voltrons
10809 Crow Force 11128 Inspiration 11212 The Clueless 11285 PATENT PENDING 12499 Gear Up 14129 Wizalos 14140 Crash Test 14338 CAOS Robotics ("Chaos") 14496 Roboctopi 14535 Alpacas 15146 GarageBot |
15171 Scorpio
16192 Prepare to ALT+F4 16884 Mechanical Advantage 17702 Transcendence 18263 HIGH VOLTAGE 18365 Dapper RoboNoodles 18568 Minimum Viable Product 19743 Definitely Human 19793 Uncaught Exception 21239 All Systems Go 21303 Pandamonium 22105 Runtime Terror |