From the FTC Team Blast email:
FIRST® Tech Challenge Registration Opening: Registration for the 2017-2018 season for FIRST Tech Challenge opens today at noon ET. Visit the streamlined registration website - simplified dashboard with reminders. Two Youth Protection Program (YPP) screened Lead Coach/Mentors are still required to manage the team roster and begin meeting with youth; however, now Lead Coach/Mentors and Team Administrators can create teams, pay and order products while either Lead Coach/Mentor is completing the screening process. Register today and join the excitement of the season ahead! FIRST Tech Challenge grants: Register your team and take advantage of a registration grant. [be aware that in the past, teams had to wait to register or buy kit materials until after they were notified of a grant award because the grants could not be used after purchase] Now’s a great time to get started for the season. FIRST® is offering a $275 grant for qualified veteran teams to cover the cost of a FIRST Tech Challenge registration. Know someone who might want to start a new team? We also have a rookie grant to cover the cost of team registration plus materials (total value $750). There’s a limited number of need-based grants available, so apply today. You’ve already made an amazing impact on your students, why not build on it even more? FIRST team members who remained in FIRST for more than one year showed greater gains in STEM awareness, STEM interest, career interest and knowledge than those who only participated for a single year? Students will also gain access to over $50 million in scholarships! Keep the momentum going and continue to be part of the world’s largest not-for-profit education program.
In case you haven't heard, there will be a new module available for FTC next season from REV Robotics. (It's also being used by FIRST Global, the new international program that Dean Kamen started this year.) Here is a brief list of the main features:
Here is the Official FTC Blog Post about it: There are additional links to more information at the end of that blog post too. In addition, there is a thread of questions and some answers from RoboGreg of REV Robotics on the FTC subreddit: This Robot Open House was on Sunday Jan 29, and 6003 Techno Eagles took them up on their offer. 11128 Inspiration is still offering access to their full field before the San Diego Regional so contact them if you'd like to try it. Contact info is in the previous blog post on Feb 20.
Hi Championship Teams,
Team 11128 Inspiration also has generously offered to make their full field available this week to practice autonomous. The team is in the Scripps Ranch Area. The field is available most afternoons except Tuesday. To make arrangements for use contact team captain Steven, [email protected] and cc coach Alex [email protected] ( 858-243-4199) Good luck this week. As the SD championship is approaching, we received requests from several teams to try their autonomous mode on our full field. Some have already come; some are planning. We decide to open our full field to all teams on 2/23/17 Thursday 4-7 pm. Interested teams, please email [email protected] to get the address.
Thank you very much, Shilin Furious Falcons FTC 9920 The Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) has grants available for teaching robotics. The Robotics program provides $500-1000 to science and math teachers involved in teaching students from 5th through 12th grade. This is for the purchase of materials for the robotics program. The awards are competitive and require approval of the school principal. The deadline has been extended until March 1 per Pete Schmitz. Pete Schmitz Account Manager, Navy/Marines Intel Corporation AFCEA San Diego Robotics Scholarship Chairman [email protected] (858) 481-2881 For all San Diego FTC League teams: RoBowties 6137 will be holding a Robot Workshop next week on Monday Jan 16 (Martin Luther King Day) from 1-4pm so if you'd like some help troubleshooting a hardware or software problem, or want access to a full field to try your autonomous program or practice driving, come and bring your robot. We have limited tools here and no drill press or bandsaw so bring whatever you think you'll need. We are located in the University City neighborhood - if you're interested in participating, RSVP to RoBowties at [email protected] to get directions and details and so we can get a count.
Take a look at the new League assignments. Your location and/or date for Meet 1 and the League Championships may have changed. In addition, a small number of teams have had changes for their Meet 2 and/or Meet 3: And if you haven't seen the new Velocity Vortex high score of 220 or the nationwide team rankings - go to the links on the Resources page! |
December 2024